Product Details

Steering Bearings

The entire basic steering assembly is called a Triple Tree, Triple Clamp, Steering Head, Steering Head Yoke, or Steering Stem. Up until around 1985 most, but not all, bikes used loose ball bearings for their steering races. These bearings have upper and lower outer races that are a tight press fit in the frame and a lower inner race that is press fitted to the steering stem. The upper inner race is a loose fit.

Bearing No. d D T B C R Mass
2203 17 40 0 16 - - 0.08
2204 20 47 0 18 - - 0.14
2205 25 52 0 18 - - 0.16
2206 30 62 0 20 - - 0.26
2207 35 72 0 23 - - 0.4
2208 40 80 0 23 - - 0.51
2209 45 85 0 23 - - 0.55
2210 50 90 0 23 - - 0.6
2211 55 100 0 25 - - 0.81
2212 60 110 0 28 - - 1.1